5 Easy Psychological Steps to Stay Confident Always

5 Easy Psychological Steps to Stay Confident Always 

psychological steps to stay confident always

Before i let you know those five magical and experienced steps to stay confident always, its important to know that, '' what the confident really is ?
Friends ! let me explain you through a perfect example.
There was a boy of 12 years old, talented and brilliant enough to compete anyone, always nagged and bullied by some evil students. 
These people around him made him to doubt on his own abilities but i saw miracle he topped his high school, gave a handsome singing performance, became popular. All these happened because he somehow stopped thinking what people think about him.
And that boy was no one but myself.

''So, confidence is nothing but somehow keeping the power and ability to believe in yourself that you are second to non.''  

 One of the most aspect to cover about self - confidence is one's confidence differs at various places like attending first walk in interview, interacting the person very new to him, getting blanked while during speech.
There's absolutely nothing to worry about, remember we all human beings are evolved having thousands of emotions. If one could ignore some of emotion, may feel the best stage of self-confidence.

Now here i am writing the 5 self-experienced psychological tips to stay confident always.

 5 Easy Psychological Steps to Stay Confident Always

1. Stop Thinking About People

We live in a society where people with different mindset live. Some criticise at your failure, some encourage you again. But somehow it affects our will power badly when we interact some negative
 people. Practically, when we speak at stage and see a lot of people's face staring at us, feels really nervous, doesn't it ?
But at the same time if light is off we speak as though speak alone at home. 
Some times people became the reason of someone's changed life so all you have to take it positively.
So, stop thinking about people first they'll mock at you later they become your friend. 

2. Do Not Compare Yourself With Others

See, everyone is born different with different mental capacity, different ability, some at achieved position some still achieving.
If you compare yourself actually you are doubting your natural abilities. 
Trust me if you compare with someone you'll gain nothing but low self-esteem, start doubting on abilities.
When we compare actually we copy one's style of ability which we are incapable in. Doing so, we make one hero and ourselves just a copycat.
Dude, just stop it and become your own version of you. 

3. Stay Away From Negative People 

''Stay away from negative people they always have problem with every solution.''
Seriously, people with highly positive mindset leave a positive effect you. Everything will be alright, don't worry, be positive like line always came to hear when we are surrounding with positive people.  If you have something to share, share with good and positive people, they'll always give a encouraging feedback.
Stay from negative people before they affect your self-confidence.

4. Start Believing You Are Confident

Friends, all the evolution start from our mind. It is the consequence of our thought process what we are today, and what we''be in future. 
If we start believing we are confident enough actually we are having a perception we are. And later it forms us into our desired thing.
I practiced and experienced by reading a novel The Secret - Rhoda Byrne.

5. Recall Your Past Achievements

Nothing is more encourageous than recalling your past achievement. Recall your past achievements whether you were a basketball champion, good singer, blaster batsman or a public speaker. It makes you feel believe in your abilities and do something again.


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