5 Habits To Avoid Early In The Morning

With the dawn of the Sun the dawn of energy circulation begins. The energy tends to reach every living organisms, every individual who are conscious enough for their life who seriously avoid habits which are bad in morning. Between 3:30 to 4:30 am the special energy starts flowing in the nature that charges our mind positively, improves our immune system. But due to some of our mistake done early in the morning that lucrative energy do not reach to us. Thousands of years ago Rishi Muni were disciplined to avail of the morning advantages without a single mistake. Here, i writing those 5 mistakes to avoid doing early in the morning. 1. Waking Up Late ''Gentle man, our bo dy needs rest not a long hour of sleep. Just 4-5 hours of deep sleep is enough for us'' Morning habit of waking up hours of late means hours of lagged from rest of the world. Wake up early morning even though the sleep is not complete, then sleep again for 2-3 hour...