
Showing posts from October, 2020

10 Psychological Signs You Are In A Toxic Relationship

10 Psychological Signs You Are In A Toxic Relationship Breaking up with someone is less dangerous or risky than living with someone with completely different views and contradictory arguments. Falling in love is a wrong expression I guess, rather It should have been you know 'Rising Inn Love'.  If there's no such feeling of rising is occurring between you both better to make you ways apart draining yourself psychologically wasting your time and energy on something whose nature is not compatible with yours.  The person you are living with can be your luck but don't let him/her be a destiny of yours. One of my roommates was living in the same dilemma. I told him to follow his heart dropping all the temporary expectations.  I mean come on, we fall for someone and seek emotional support if we are going through a hard time. And I think love is more of emotional support than being attached physically. All we do is for happiness if you're not then better to think over it a